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Mostrando las entradas de mayo, 2018

Lesson Plan - Assigment 1

Objectives: The students will create an inspirational InfoGraphic that contains a Big Dream that either  expresses their wishes for the future and/of for our society. Their InfoGraphics will be printed as well as published on the corridor walls of the school. The idea behind the project is making the students reflect upon things that they would not question regularly.  The students will invite their parents to read their InfoGraphics once in  the school and they will also help their parents create an account to comment on their InfoGraphics online. The students will work on vocabulary related to dreams, wishes and the needs of our society. They will also work on the following grammar structures: expressing wishes (I wish I…./I would like to).  Setting of the project Age Group: 14-15 years old. The abstraction level that students can reach at the age of fifteen is far much higher than primary students who have not yet developed their abstract...

PiktoChart Research and Tutorial

Rick Enrico  CEO and Founder of SlideGenius Research on Piktochart: Piktochart is a web-based infographic application which allows users tithout intensive experience as graphic designers to easily creat infograhics and visuals using themed templates.  As of 2018, Piktochart has been used by more than 11 million people worldwide and has grown to become a semi-distributed team of 53 team embers with the office based in Penang (Chia, Lianne, 26 January, 2017).  Piktochart described itself as focused  on empowering users to create infographics that would be web-publisher ready and able to stand alone as a piece of multimedia content. Piktochart provides ovr 600 templates which users can edit, or by using more advanced functions, customize as desired (AG Beat, 6 December, 2013). This App includes a HTML publisher which allows users to create visuals that can be viewed online or embedded to a website, as well as allowing the user to include multiple interact...