I've worked with TED Talks for two years. They are a quite appealing way of profiting from technology which stir curiosity and avoid boredom among your students. Why? Because a TED Talk is a showcase for speakers presenting great, well-formed ideas in under 18 minutes . YES. Just 18 minutes. This short time provides the teacher with the possibility of presenting an interesting idea which has been already approved by experts and has been carefully prepared in order to keep the audience alert throughout the whole session. Since it only demands the audience' attention for a short period of time, it decreases the chances of mind wandering or daydreaming during class. Some of the benefits of using TED Talks include: introducing a new and surprising idea or invention which your students have not heard of and, even if they have, the arguments behind this idea will probably challenge your students' beliefs and perspectives. Remember that an idea isn't just a story o...